Sunday, May 31, 2009

Scout of the Month: Who is Jacob Trainor?

Jacob is very goal oriented. He started public school as a freshman in high school. He did fine but was not really happy with his grades. He decided that he was going to get straight A's and from then on he got all A's. He also decided in the spring of his sophomore year that he would like to graduate early and go to RCC. His plan was to get his AA done by his senior year and then go to BYU Idaho and graduate before he serves his mission. He will be receiving his AA this month and leaving for BYU I in Sept. He is right on Track to achieve this goal. He would like to become a surgeon and I have no doubt that he is capable of achieving this as well. He likes to be hang out with his friends. He works for Rick Piquet at his home and has learned many valuable skills like laying tile, landscaping, gardening and has developed some pretty cool muscles by carrying blocks around to build a retaining wall. Jake has many talents and skills but it is his obedience, willingness to serve, and genuine goodness that will get him where he wants to be in life.

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