Sunday, December 13, 2009

Model Rocket Campout - December 11-12th

Our scout troop had their annual model rocketry campout on Friday and Saturday, December 11th & 12th. They spent the night at Brother Piquet's and watched an outdoor movie and campfire and slept in tents while it rained! The next morning, after breakfast, they launched the rockets on a hilltop next to his home. The boys were so excited to see their rockets fly. The scout families were invited to come and watch. You can see some of them in the video. Congratulations on another successful outing. Big thanks to all our leaders and their support!

Our New Scout of the Month

Congratulations, Chandler Hoopes. You have been selected to be our featured "Scout of the Month." Chandler is one of the newest members of our Young Men's group. He and his family have recently moved from Utah and now live in Sycamore Creek. He is a freshman at Centennial High School where he is an "A" student. He plays wide receiver on the freshman football team at school. He enjoys riding his skateboard and playing basketball. Chandler plays the guitar and is in a band called "Always Second Best." He is currently a Life Scout and working towards his Eagle.