Thursday, July 23, 2009

Scout of the Month

Jordan Guthrie is our new Scout of the Month. He is 13 yrs. old and just returned from scout camp where he earned 6 merit badges. He just became a star scout and is currently working on his Nature and Lifesaving merit badges. Jordan is starting middle school next month and will be going to El Cerrito. His favorite subject in school is history and science. His dream job would be to work with animals at a pet shop. He loves scouting and campouts and has a goal of becoming an Eagle Scout.

Our Newest Eagle Scout

Congratulations to Jacob Trainor for passing his Eagle Board of Review tonight. Jake answered all the scouting questions put to him like a pro. He was very well prepared and is now the proud wearer of the Eagle Rank award.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Scout Camp!

Today our Scout Troop and Varsity Team returned home from a week long trip to Camp Emerson in Idylwild CA. We had 9 boys in camp all week as well as 10 adults that stayed anywhere from 1 day to the entire week. The boys were really busy the entire time earning merit badges, but they still had time to relax or participate in all the various activities offered. One night all the boys went to the rifle range and did Black Powder rifle shooting. During the days some rowed boats at the lake, some did blacksmithing, others did art projects or spent time and the Indian village doing crafts and even an oceanography merit badge was earned and many more. Art projects included wood carving, sculpturing, basket making, leather working were some of the fun merit badges.

Some of our older boys participated in the E-Team (Extreme) high adventure program which among other events enjoyed rappelling and rock climbing. As for the food.... well, some complained and some didn't, which means the food met our expectations based on previous years. Judging on the amount of dirt on their faces (check out the video), and the fragrance that came home with them, I think they all had a great time. The total merit badges earned was 41 which allowed a few of the boys to advance in rank. Thanks again to all the adults that came to lend a helping hand throughout the week. Here are a few pictures from camp.
Bug Eating

Jarom Bennett's Eagle Project

Congratulations Jarom for finishing his Eagle service project. His project was to draw and then paint a huge mural of the world inside the public library at El Cerrito Middle School. This project was a major undertaking and required the help of many hands to complete. Next time you're at that library, head towards the back and admire his handy work. The most amazing part of this whole project is that he is only 13 yrs. old, and he has completed all the merit badges and rank advancements needed before he could start the project. He then had to arrange to get all the materials, secure donations, organize all the needed help and to supervise the labor to complete the project on time. This turned out to be another great Eagle project that has become a tradition of our unit.