Saturday, September 7, 2013

Team 899 Yosemite High Adventure

Varsity Team 899 went to Yosemite National Park for their 2013 high adventure. We hiked lower & upper Yosemite falls and Half Dome. Check out our video of the trip.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Super Activity 2012

This is a video from the Super Activity with Venture crew and Varsity team of Unit 899.  The camping and lake activity were at Lake Isabella and the White Water rafting was on the lower Kern River.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Super Activity 2011

Troop 899 Varsity Team and Venture Crew went to Southern Utah and did backpacking in the Escalante area in July.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kelso Sand Dunes Campout

Our young mens organization and the boys of troop 899 went on an overnighter to Kelso Sand dunes this last weekend near Baker Ca. The boys and their leaders have been working hard on making Sand Boards to bring on the outing. All the boards worked great with the assistance of "Sand Wax" applied to the laminate bottom of each board. We all had as much fun watching as riding. All that attended will be spitting sand for a few weeks. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Fundraiser

The youth of our scouting unit spent the day popping Kettle Corn on our units new Kettle Corn popper. The proceeds will help pay the costs of upcoming summer camp and super activities. Thanks to all who helped us break it in and who made this fundraiser a success.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Snow Campout

This last Friday night and Saturday morning the Scouts and Varsity Scouts went to the snow near Jenks Lake for an overnighter. This has become a tradition with our unit and the weather and snow were perfect. We even had a few inches of snow in the night but woke up to calm weather. The sledding and tubing were definitely the highlights. Watch our fun on the video. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Model Rocket Campout - December 11-12th

Our scout troop had their annual model rocketry campout on Friday and Saturday, December 11th & 12th. They spent the night at Brother Piquet's and watched an outdoor movie and campfire and slept in tents while it rained! The next morning, after breakfast, they launched the rockets on a hilltop next to his home. The boys were so excited to see their rockets fly. The scout families were invited to come and watch. You can see some of them in the video. Congratulations on another successful outing. Big thanks to all our leaders and their support!